What the lion king tells us about the world today.

I had the pleasure of watching The Lion King last night. It was a movie with a great moral, to be considered.

Simba, the son of the Lion King, Mufasa, was poised to inherit his destiny, as the future king of the lions. Mufasa was a good king. However, Scar, King Mufasa’s brother, came and had a fight with Mufasa. Scar was jealous of Mufasa and his kingdom.

Scar and Mufasa fought on the steeple of a mountain. Scar prevailed, and threw the tragic Mufasa down, to his death, off the mountain.

Simba was just a little cub, so the evil Scar convinced Simba that he was the one who killed Mufasa. Scar convinced Simba that he should run away as far as he could. Simba believed scars lies, and feeling guilty, ran and ran into exile.

Eventually, Simba found a bunch of other animals. They were very kind to him, and befriended him on his journey, in exile. In particular, Simba had a faithful friend—a bird—who looked after Simba’s interests…just like a guardian angel. The bird encouraged Simba about his future. The bird told Simba that the animal kingdom needed him, and that he must go back to fulfil his obligation; fulfil his calling.

So Simba went back to the kingdom, and encountered his uncle, Scar. Scar told Simba more lies. However this time, Simba did not believe Scar. Simba fought with his uncle Scar on top of the same mountain that his father perished on. Simba was
able to overcome his evil uncle, and threw him down, just as his uncle threw his father down.

As the bible says, whatever you do, comes back to you; good or evil, in this world. As the good book says:

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to pleas the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

Galatians 6:7-8 (NIV)

That was the lesson for the animals, fighting in their African Kingdom. That is also the lesson for us, as human beings.

For us, God gave us specific instructions: that he is not to be mocked; that he is above all creation. And, if we do evil, we shall reap evil. If we do good, we shall reap good.

Likewise then, in this troubled world of today, we can clearly see what is happening. How evil is fighting good, in these end times. For example, in the wars between Ukraine and Russia, Russia sowed lies, and took the ‘kingdoms’ and territories that were rightfully Ukraine’s. Today however, little Ukraine fought back, and is now taking Russian territories. Wicked Putin is now paralyzed. He is paralyzed in terms of retaliating back. Thousands of Putins’ soldiers are being killed, and his power is being reduced.

God is watching everything. God knows what you do or say!